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PARTH welcomes you to THEOBROMA89!

Monday, January 3, 2011


How do you find me? One day someone asked,
I couldn’t reply because all the faces are masked…

Some wear Happy Mask to hide their pain,
Whenever they cry, they stand in the rain…

Few wear Sweet Mask to hide their bitterness,
In the bargain they miss this life’s real essence…

One wears Brave Mask to hide his own fear,
He’ll be the first to run when problem is near…

Some wear Strong Mask to hide their weakness,
When the trouble comes they’re found helpless…

One wears Indifferent Mask to hide what he feels,
I think he forgot what the real feeling means…

Some wear Angel Mask to hide their inner evil,
Some day what’s gonna come out is only the devil…

One wears Innocent Mask to hide his cunning nature,
People mostly make mistakes to identify this creature…!!!

All are double faced so think twice before you trust,
Because heart is like a balloon & it will get burst…!!!

Since years I have been looking for a face without a mask,
I am still not tired but now don’t know where to go & ask…?????

 -by Parth Ghadiali


  1. gud.. superlike...

  2. thnx bro...i hope u found it realistic wid d essence of my creativity... ;)

  3. nice one parth

  4. Woooaaahhhh parth. This is amazing. :o :D
