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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

life at IHM Mumbai

Today I m sitting with my friends and counting the last days of my college life,
Three years went like a flash to learn how to use things from a computer to a knife…!!!

I wonder why I am feeling so low by the thought of the college getting over,
It feels just like two loved ones are separating from each other….!!!

The two days of back to back internals every month were like a “triple threat”,
I still don’t know in so much of pressure how we could manage to do so great….???

The tiring and hectic weekdays used to make us dead bored and exhausted,
But the evenings on the same days we used to party which were fun loaded ….!!!

Coffee at barista, food of home chef and the amazing desserts of oven fresh are great,
These are the places which will keep coming to my mind whenever I will go for a date…!!!

I will cherish the moments spent on the Dadar beach looking at not so clean sea,
The evenings spent at the Tapri and Irani with friends over a smoke and a cup of tea…!!!

Here we have played and fought and laughed and cried with friends,
I feel like asking why such a beautiful journey of life suddenly ends….???

It’s not the end but a new beginning just like a new day stars with a sun rise,
Today I m sitting with my friends and counting the last days of my college life…..!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic one Parth... Love it brother! :) A True Story for all of us!
