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Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Today, standing at a sea shore, fighting with my warm memories,
I recall the time I used to write about my life’s happy stories……
Now a day when I look at my past I so feel like changing it,
I want to delete each moment made me do something bad even a bit….

When I was a kid I broke so many toys which I don’t even remember now,
Now I break people’s hearts with the arrows released from my bow…..
When I tried to mend all those hearts I broke by mistake or was intentional,
I realized the toys were easy to fix but fixing hearts is just impossible…..
No glue can work there to join the scattered pieces of someone’s heart,
If there was something to do that I will call it the most amazing art….

I began to take extra care of others to make everything changed,
Thinking to compensate for the mistakes in the past I have made….
Everyone was happy around me & I thought that I did the best,
But when I looked around myself I found for me nothing was left…..
Not to break other’s heart I suffered & sacrificed everything,
Didn’t realize the way I was heading I was left with nothing…..

The so called treasure of happiness I had was stolen,
In the list of making people happy, my name was forgotten…..
Everyone got everything from me whatever was their need,
When I asked for something their mouths were sealed…..
I realized my mistake, but didn’t know whom to go to,
I made everyone happy but forgot that I am special too….

The memories of my past were killing me like slow poison,
I sighed, looked at the sun about to disappear at the horizon…..
The sun didn’t hit my eyes this time as the sun wasn’t that bright,
It was as hot as before but still wasn’t throwing the same light….
I could just smiled as I got to know the answer of my question,
Even the sun can be loved when it’s the "SUN AT THE HORIZON"…..

I walked back home with a new thought & a smile on my face,
As I got to know in this wicked world where is my place…..
I tried goodness & bad too but the result was very tragic,
So i mixed up a bit & learnt  the trick which i call a magic....
Simply speaking, black was too dark & white was too fade,
To keep a balance for myself I chose the “grey shade”….!!!

-by Parth Ghadiali