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Thursday, May 31, 2012


"RD IX" performing at IHM Mumbai Freshers called "MELANGE 2011".....funny to the core...!!!!

click on the link below:

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Journey of IHM Boys Hostel

this is the official t-shirt designed by me for the Boys Hostelites of IHM Mumbai.
I have tried to include the most significant features of our hostel life here by these fresh cartoon characters designed exclusively for these Tees.....
It talks about how we were in 2009 when we joined in, what we did here n finally what we are in 2012 after our graduation is over.....well we did other things too which are not suppose to be mentioned here ;)
Have you done anything creative like this???
plz share it with all..... :)

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

life at IHM Mumbai

Today I m sitting with my friends and counting the last days of my college life,
Three years went like a flash to learn how to use things from a computer to a knife…!!!

I wonder why I am feeling so low by the thought of the college getting over,
It feels just like two loved ones are separating from each other….!!!

The two days of back to back internals every month were like a “triple threat”,
I still don’t know in so much of pressure how we could manage to do so great….???

The tiring and hectic weekdays used to make us dead bored and exhausted,
But the evenings on the same days we used to party which were fun loaded ….!!!

Coffee at barista, food of home chef and the amazing desserts of oven fresh are great,
These are the places which will keep coming to my mind whenever I will go for a date…!!!

I will cherish the moments spent on the Dadar beach looking at not so clean sea,
The evenings spent at the Tapri and Irani with friends over a smoke and a cup of tea…!!!

Here we have played and fought and laughed and cried with friends,
I feel like asking why such a beautiful journey of life suddenly ends….???

It’s not the end but a new beginning just like a new day stars with a sun rise,
Today I m sitting with my friends and counting the last days of my college life…..!!!!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Today, standing at a sea shore, fighting with my warm memories,
I recall the time I used to write about my life’s happy stories……
Now a day when I look at my past I so feel like changing it,
I want to delete each moment made me do something bad even a bit….

When I was a kid I broke so many toys which I don’t even remember now,
Now I break people’s hearts with the arrows released from my bow…..
When I tried to mend all those hearts I broke by mistake or was intentional,
I realized the toys were easy to fix but fixing hearts is just impossible…..
No glue can work there to join the scattered pieces of someone’s heart,
If there was something to do that I will call it the most amazing art….

I began to take extra care of others to make everything changed,
Thinking to compensate for the mistakes in the past I have made….
Everyone was happy around me & I thought that I did the best,
But when I looked around myself I found for me nothing was left…..
Not to break other’s heart I suffered & sacrificed everything,
Didn’t realize the way I was heading I was left with nothing…..

The so called treasure of happiness I had was stolen,
In the list of making people happy, my name was forgotten…..
Everyone got everything from me whatever was their need,
When I asked for something their mouths were sealed…..
I realized my mistake, but didn’t know whom to go to,
I made everyone happy but forgot that I am special too….

The memories of my past were killing me like slow poison,
I sighed, looked at the sun about to disappear at the horizon…..
The sun didn’t hit my eyes this time as the sun wasn’t that bright,
It was as hot as before but still wasn’t throwing the same light….
I could just smiled as I got to know the answer of my question,
Even the sun can be loved when it’s the "SUN AT THE HORIZON"…..

I walked back home with a new thought & a smile on my face,
As I got to know in this wicked world where is my place…..
I tried goodness & bad too but the result was very tragic,
So i mixed up a bit & learnt  the trick which i call a magic....
Simply speaking, black was too dark & white was too fade,
To keep a balance for myself I chose the “grey shade”….!!!

-by Parth Ghadiali

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Once while going to work early morning, I saw these two brothers going to school asking me for the direction to reach a destination...
The sight you all are seeing now, touched my heart & reminded me of my school days when i used to hold my younger brother's hand while going to the school so i have captured this moment....!!! :)


Sitting at this super crowded place on a Sunday evening with my buddies enjoying this beautiful sight.....THE ULTIMATE MUMBAI....!!

Saturday, January 15, 2011


I’m here to tell about my life & my name is “ROSE”,
Known as the symbol of love that you know of course…

My birthplace was a beautiful garden full of flowers,
Just like you I was also born with some dreams & desires…!!

The garden was on the huge street of Mumbai city,
I fell in love with rosy staying in the neighbor's balcony…

My heart was full of love as I was young & fresh & so was she,
The sweet fragrance of her body used to drive me crazy…!!

We used to see each other all the time from the quarter of a mile,
Our feelings were getting expressed with the exchange of smile…!!

One day I decided that tomorrow I am going to ask her out,
But on that same night only the gardener did cut me out…

I was broken hearted & crying a river as i had lost my love,
See the irony the symbol of love wasn’t able to get his love…!!

As a reason to live thought so what If couldn't get my loved one,
I can at least be the reason for someone to get his beloved one…!!

Making that the only aim of my life I tried to convince myself,
Was trying really hard to survive & thought it might help…!!

But all that was just a crap & wasn’t working out for me,
The time was running so bad I didn’t know what’s gonna be…??

I lost my charm & freshness for a rose I had become a big odd,
The gardener picked me up & rudely threw me on the road…!!

The only reason for me to live had gone to the drain,
I was crawling one road & no one could see my pain…!!

A person passing by lifted me from there seeing me half dead,
That is the man whose poems recently you people have read…!!

I had lost all the hopes to live & was felling like a big loser,
He gave me a new reason to live so I really thank that booker…!!

Yes, I had lost interest in life but I have got back the spark,
Today in PARTH’s book of poem I am the “bookmark”…!!

-by Parth Ghadiali

Saturday, January 8, 2011


This creation is dedicated to all my friends of the HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY & whom so ever it relates directly or indirectly.....!!

This is the story about a department called “banquet”,
Which is known for making us trainees to forget our sleep & rest…!!

The front of the area looks very beautiful & dazzles with glory,
Back of the house is really not worth mentioning in any story…!!

The people who are well mannered in front of the house,
They fight in the back area just like a cat n a mouse…!!

They are the captains with us the trainees as their soldiers,
Believing we can lift as much weight they want on our shoulders…!!

I am trying to figure out what they think of us trainees,
We are also a human being like them, not the machines…!!

We don’t mind working if all of them is working together,
But I really mind when we work & they sleep in the locker…!!

Is that really so that trainees work & the staff take rest,
I guess for a company, their recruitment is a total waste…!!

After so much experience they don’t know the basics,
It makes me wonder if it’s some rocket science or physics…!!

That was about few people who have no sincerity or manners,
But still will behave as we are the slaves & they are the managers…!!

Apart this sad part I really want to thank some nice people,
Who were our saviors over there & made our survival possible…!!

These are the good guys who treat us like we are also humans,
To love this department they make possible to find the reasons…!!

The learning part was not happening till I was thinking of the bad side,
I decided to avoid the sad part & work there with will & pride…!!

After a little of problems & issues everything was set & great,
I don’t remember any moment spent here that I will regret…!!

The moments the guests have spent here are so cherishable,
But the time we do spend into this is also very memorable...!!

I hope u had or will have a great time here in the world of banquets,
I m sure that it will give you a lil tuff time but many great moments…!!

-by Parth Ghadiali

Friday, January 7, 2011


1000+ views of "THEOBROMA89" within a week....!!!
It feels really get to be rewarded for hard work & so I am to see the feedback....I am really glad to know that you are liking my work....!!
I am very happy to see your response & am obliged to receive your love.....couldn't be possible without you...!!

Cheers! to "YOU" & "THEOBROMA89".......!!!!!!

Keep my blog alive with your valuable visits & feedbacks.......thank you....!!!!

Monday, January 3, 2011


How do you find me? One day someone asked,
I couldn’t reply because all the faces are masked…

Some wear Happy Mask to hide their pain,
Whenever they cry, they stand in the rain…

Few wear Sweet Mask to hide their bitterness,
In the bargain they miss this life’s real essence…

One wears Brave Mask to hide his own fear,
He’ll be the first to run when problem is near…

Some wear Strong Mask to hide their weakness,
When the trouble comes they’re found helpless…

One wears Indifferent Mask to hide what he feels,
I think he forgot what the real feeling means…

Some wear Angel Mask to hide their inner evil,
Some day what’s gonna come out is only the devil…

One wears Innocent Mask to hide his cunning nature,
People mostly make mistakes to identify this creature…!!!

All are double faced so think twice before you trust,
Because heart is like a balloon & it will get burst…!!!

Since years I have been looking for a face without a mask,
I am still not tired but now don’t know where to go & ask…?????

 -by Parth Ghadiali


Hi friends!
Thank you for your tremendous support & response over my blog....!!
I hadn't thought it will go this way but i m really glad that people are actually liking my posts (specially poems) & are giving me appreciation & good feedback....

Please continue giving your support because its your love which inspires me to create more & come up with better & better work.....

Thank you.....!!!

-by Parth Ghadiali

Sunday, January 2, 2011


Now thats one of the many things make me proud of my college "IHM MUMBAI"...!!!


check out this link for details.....


This glorious institution "THE MAHARAJA SAYAJIRAO UNIVERSITY" has complited 150 years of success & i am sure many more are yet to come....!!

congratulations MSU....!!!


As time was flowing I had a realization,
I had got a habit to get the perfection…!!

When I grew old something I came to know,
That I like to swim against the flow…!!

Few do different things & most do the same,
Those most remain unknown & few get the fame…!!

Agreed that u can’t be different all the time,
But perfection makes the common thing shine…!!

Few find my dedication to perfection very rude,
I’ll say sorry to them bcz I cant help it dude…!!

I look at messy jobs & I get very upset,
Nothing can please me than the perfect…!!

Have to admit that I am high & have an addiction,
Its not the booze but it’s the perfection……..!!!

-by Parth Ghadiali.

Saturday, January 1, 2011


Forget about the sadness & keep the sorrows aside,
As my dear friends! a new year 2011 has arrived…!!

Welcome this New Year with love & warmth,
I wish you be happy with the bottom of my heart…!!

Past is gone so there is no point in crying,
It’s the time to go high in the sky & flying…!!

Fulfill all your wises which u could not in the past,
Start up with the dream which you saw the last…!!

Make new resolutions for good life & some betterment,
Follow the good things & you will get the achievement…!!

Start your work & don’t be afraid of falls or failure,
Just take the initiative & the roads will be very clear…!!

Keep going on the way without thinking of any obstacle,
If you have the will you will surely reach the pinnacle…!!

Go out in the world, fly high & just take a look,
You are the creator of your own new book…!!

The book is called “2011” which you will be writing,
I wish you all the best for this new & great beginning........!!

-by Parth Ghadiali



Friday, December 31, 2010



The coming up New Year is knocking on my door,
But the memories of “you”(2010) still lying on my floor…
This time you have given me many memories,
Some I prefer to forget n some I’ll always cherish….!!

January started with charisma & shining like a pearl,
Because you were new just like a new born girl…
As time was passing & you started growing,
I could see the world around me changing….!!

February  was  very glamorous & so bold,
But still the fire wasn’t hot but it was cold…
That was the time when ice was red n fire was blue,
I was enjoying d moments gifted to me by you…!!

March was the time when everything was nice,
That’s when hot was the fire n cold was the ice…
You were going just the way it should be,
But it wasn’t the best time or it could be…!!

April brings my birthday n makes me grow older,
Then  the fire was warmer & the ice was colder…
Time was a little hard & moments were heavy,
Days were just not going great but also were scary…!!

May was full of dramas & some twists & turns,
Fire had become hot enough to give me burns…
Ice also got more cold but still was harmless,
But that was the beginning of fire at its craziness…!!

June  went in preventing the fire to avoid the heat,
I was steady but the land was moving under my feet…
Tried to hold ice & it was melting in my hand,
So I left it then n there before it came to its end…!!

July gave me many hopes & showed me a beautiful dream,
Life just used to seem like cherry on top of the cream…
The dream made my life very messy n totally unstable,
I tried to come out of that dream but was not able…!!

August was sent for the problems & full of pain,
Fire was at her pinnacle & ice was struggling to sustain…
Had a really tuff time to balance between the sponge & crust,
The award for worst month goes to the August…!!

September made me very strong & well stable,
Game was in my hands & I turned the table…
You were shocked to see me coming back like this,
Fire was afraid & melted ice got some fizz…!!

October tried to show me few ups & few downs,
It didn’t work because I m not one of the stupid clowns…
The time was so harsh but I survived as I fought back,
You gifted me tremendous confident which I used to lack…!!

November was very happy & you were so beautifully dressed,
I suppressed the fire & found out where the ice is to be placed…
Now the things are there where they are meant to be,
But when I look around I don’t find anyone but only me…!!

December has been great & well under my control,
Life right now is like singing & dancing on rock n’ roll…
Neither fire nor the ice can make an affect now,
I have become cold resistant n fireproof somehow…!!

Want to thank 2010 for everything “thank you dear !”
I m very grateful to you for making things crystal clear…
I don’t regret a single moment I spent with you,
It’s time for say bye to you & welcoming the new…......!!!!

-by Parth Ghadiali