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Friday, December 31, 2010


The coming up New Year is knocking on my door,
But the memories of “you”(2010) still lying on my floor…
This time you have given me many memories,
Some I prefer to forget n some I’ll always cherish….!!

January started with charisma & shining like a pearl,
Because you were new just like a new born girl…
As time was passing & you started growing,
I could see the world around me changing….!!

February  was  very glamorous & so bold,
But still the fire wasn’t hot but it was cold…
That was the time when ice was red n fire was blue,
I was enjoying d moments gifted to me by you…!!

March was the time when everything was nice,
That’s when hot was the fire n cold was the ice…
You were going just the way it should be,
But it wasn’t the best time or it could be…!!

April brings my birthday n makes me grow older,
Then  the fire was warmer & the ice was colder…
Time was a little hard & moments were heavy,
Days were just not going great but also were scary…!!

May was full of dramas & some twists & turns,
Fire had become hot enough to give me burns…
Ice also got more cold but still was harmless,
But that was the beginning of fire at its craziness…!!

June  went in preventing the fire to avoid the heat,
I was steady but the land was moving under my feet…
Tried to hold ice & it was melting in my hand,
So I left it then n there before it came to its end…!!

July gave me many hopes & showed me a beautiful dream,
Life just used to seem like cherry on top of the cream…
The dream made my life very messy n totally unstable,
I tried to come out of that dream but was not able…!!

August was sent for the problems & full of pain,
Fire was at her pinnacle & ice was struggling to sustain…
Had a really tuff time to balance between the sponge & crust,
The award for worst month goes to the August…!!

September made me very strong & well stable,
Game was in my hands & I turned the table…
You were shocked to see me coming back like this,
Fire was afraid & melted ice got some fizz…!!

October tried to show me few ups & few downs,
It didn’t work because I m not one of the stupid clowns…
The time was so harsh but I survived as I fought back,
You gifted me tremendous confident which I used to lack…!!

November was very happy & you were so beautifully dressed,
I suppressed the fire & found out where the ice is to be placed…
Now the things are there where they are meant to be,
But when I look around I don’t find anyone but only me…!!

December has been great & well under my control,
Life right now is like singing & dancing on rock n’ roll…
Neither fire nor the ice can make an affect now,
I have become cold resistant n fireproof somehow…!!

Want to thank 2010 for everything “thank you dear !”
I m very grateful to you for making things crystal clear…
I don’t regret a single moment I spent with you,
It’s time for say bye to you & welcoming the new…......!!!!

-by Parth Ghadiali


